Tag Archives: airfryer chicken breasts

Oven baked eggplant, onions and tomatoes with airfried chicken breasts

It’s a weeknight and I (Karen) have some fresh vegetables from Gazy Brothers Farm and some chicken breasts from Costco. What can I get prepped fast so I can relax before dinner?

Pulled out my sheet pan, to rough chop vegetables. Toss some olive oil, herbs, salt and pepper. Bake at 350 to 400° for 30 to 40 minutes depending on thickness of vegetable chops. As it cooks, the vegetables caramelize.

Step 1 – clean veggies!

Rough chop them, coat with oil, herbs, salt and pepper.

Bake at 350 to 400 degrees for 30-40 minutes tossing once midway through. Then if you want extra charting put under broiler for 3 minutes! Watch so it doesn’t burn.


Step 2 – Chicken breasts from Costco. These are thick and they come out juicy from the airfryer when spritzed with oil, spices, salt and pepper. Don’t forget to use the smoked paprika too.

Airfry at 300 degrees for 8 minutes and then at 360 degrees for another 8 minutes. Perfection!